The curse of Ottolenghi

I thought the recipe in Saturday’s Guardian looked interesting and I needed to use up some courgettes. What a palaver. It all took ages and used loads of bowls. And of course I couldn’t have the oven on for just one thing so made some apple cakes as well.

I didn’t reckon on my home-grown chillis being so hot - the recipe said 2 but the chutney is VERY hot. However together the loaf and chutney are tasty and did do the job of using up tomatoes, courgettes and chillis. The picture on the right is my effort - it was yellow ball courgettes I used so the colour is different.

All the standing on my foot didn’t do it any good - I seem to get referred pain on the ball of my foot. So now I’m going to listen to some podcasts and knit another beanie. (Using up wool I already had).

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