In the pink

Well no. I saw the optician again today. Basically they can’t tell yet if I have dry macular degeneration OR capsule hazing in my right eye. Dry macular can’t be treated (it leads to blindness over time) but once the hazing gets really bad they can do laser treatment. But they don’t do it unless really necessary as there’s a chance the retina could detach. They didn’t tell me that when they fixed the other eye with laser a few years ago. The left eye has suspected glaucoma and if treated quickly worsening can be stopped with drops. So he is writing to my GP to ask him to refer me to RVI for further tests. Let’s hope this happens sooner rather than later.

It’s been a gorgeous day. But because of my foot I couldn’t go for a walk. Grrrr.

I’m looking for campsites in Argyll as we’ve not been to the southern part for years. We hope to go on Sunday. The only slot for a food delivery was Saturday night. I’m thinking with the high numbers of COVID I should get into the system so that we don’t need to go into shops.

This hydrangea is really a blue one but some blooms come pink and other purple and others blue. Our soil is peaty so it should all be blue!

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