Kensington Palace and Diana garden

We took the tube from Turnpike Lane to Gloucester Road. (Reminded me of Rumpole). Then 15 mins to the consulate. We wer3 told to return at 1.30 and firm a queue on the opposite pavement. We had a coffee and read the paper then a wander to Kensington Gardens before returning. Soon more people arrived to join us and a couple of men already there. 3 of the people in the queue were going on the same trip as we were. More people arrived and queued on the steps. The chap from inside told them to join us. At 2.05 he came out again and everybody milled around him. He handed out numbers to the chap ahead of us, then us, then some man started shouting and saying he hadn’t time for this nonsense. The first 8 of us were allowed into the basement office waiting area. When our number was called we handed over our passports, letters of invitation, photos, and completed paperwork, then had fingerprints taken. We moved along to the next desk and handed over large wadges of cash and said we wanted the fast track visa. We were told to return at 5.

we returned to Hyde Park and walked via the Round Pond to the Serpentine where we watched parakeets for a while before moving on to see the Diana Fountain. It seemed not to be functioning as there was little water in it. It must have been lovely when the water flowed properly. Back to the consulate via Albert Memorial and we were called up to take our passports with visas at 4.50.

We are so excited to have it all done as we couldn't plan or read about it in case we weren’t allowed to go.. We got the tube to Russell Square then walked 10 minutes to the pub Chloe had suggested we meet in before we had dinner in the Italian. Tracey met us there too - we’d all been in Uzbekistan 2 years ago. It was a wonderful evening with really tasty Italian food in a very busy and noisy restaurant.

Now we have 10 days to prepare. The company says the dress code is very strict but Tracey, who went 3 years ago says we can wear normal clothes so long as women wear the headscarf and are totally covered. No bare feet and sandals even. My arthritic old feet might incite men into a frenzy of excitement apparently.

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