Journey Through Time

By Sue

Happy Valentine's Day

Bill brought me flowers and so I had to blip them, and then, I played in Picasa. So, there you have it. I must get some things done as company changed the day and will be here tomorrow.

And THANK YOU for all the kind comments and stars and favs for the desperation blip of the diamond plant. I so appreciate it.

Also, thanks for all the suggestions for dinner. I opted for something easy. I am going to serve soup first (and actually I am going to go to Olive Garden and buy their minestrone...I hope that doesn't sound awful to do it that way...) and then I am making a chicken caesar salad and also home made cheddar cheese biscuits, like they have at Red Lobster. I bought a valentine shaped Red Velvet cake today and we can have that, if they choose, for dessert. I guess we won't starve.

Anyway, I must go work and quit fussing with photos. Hope you had/are having a great Valentine's Day. I did get so tickled when I was at the store and I saw all these guys coming out with their little bouquets. A time lapsed film of that would have been fun.

Catch ya later, my dears. Valentine hugs...

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