Rainy day abstract (Day 1974)

After a quick trip to town to collect some stuff, I headed to Stromness to do a little job, then dropped into Mum and Dad's to borrow stuff I was thinking I might need a bit later.
Another trip to town to collect a huge roof box for the van which allows me to carry large sheets of plasterboard, plywood and wet wall panelling. The only way I can get it in the new van is flat on the floor, which means rearranging everything in the van to get the stuff in, which is a huge waste of time. 
Home for lunch and a woofer wander in the drizzle, then I made a start on fitting the box, which took pretty much the whole afternoon, but I am really pleased with it and will have an opportunity to test it out next week (extra). 
An abstract of flowers in the kitchen will do for today.
Next up, relaxing in front of the idiot lantern with my beautiful wife.

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