Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Thursday — California’s Burning

When I woke early this morning and opened a front window, the air was void of any chill. I noticed the full moon, which was a harvest moon, was castling a brillant orange reflection on the surface of the ocean, so I stepped back into the bedroom to wake Mr. Fun so he could see it too.

The smoke of wildfires floated in from the east sometime before mid-morning and dropped anchor. It brought high temperatures with it.

We knew we needed to get out of the house in the afternoon because the house would heat-up and even with the ceiling fans twirling, we were going to be uncomfortable.

So our choice was to either go south toward Avila and Pismo Beaches or head north up the Big Sur Coast. We looked at the weather app on our phones and San Luis Obispo and Pismo Beach were HOT. So we headed north.

What we discovered is that there was no cool place and no place without smoke. We ate lunch in San Simeon, because we weren’t sure if we could purchase lunch at Ragged Point or if their restaurant would be open and they weren’t answering their phone. Of course we had the pups with us because the house would be too hot for them to stay in. So shade trees to park the car under would be immensely important with the pups along.

We arrived at Ragged Point Inn and Resort to find the temperature extremely high and the smoke thick. We walked the pups out to the point, which is shaded with huge forest-type trees and found a microclimate of cool air.

I am sure we spent less than an hour at the resort when we decided to leave and we knew that going any further north made no sense, so south toward Cayucos was our direction.

When we walked back into the house, the air outside was cooler than inside. We flung all the windows open, flipped on the ceiling fans and almost immediately sitting in the house was quite comfortable.

From Cayucos on
California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too

P.S. The photo collage contains two captures of the Cayucos shore from Mr.Fun’s morning walk and one from our afternoon field trip to Ragged Point.

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