Silly Saturday

In memory of Admirer, a collection of silly pictures for today. Thanks davidc for hosting and get better soon Laurie54.
Each of the pictures needs an explanation I guess.
Firstly abstract leaves. A dripping wet morning dog walk, so I took this picture in desperation of finding anything else. But now it has dried up a little and I’ve had the chance to go for a bike ride this afternoon.
Talking of the bike. It’s due to have a service and I need to get the bike to the shop. So I thought I’d see if it fits in the car. My car has magic back seats which lift up. And I must have looked a bit silly huffing and puffing getting my bike in. But it fits with the front passenger seat well forward. So that’s good, I will take it down in the week. Yes, I know husband has a van, but you try getting him to find a time when the van would be empty and he would be prepared able to drop it off for me!
And lastly, the hand grenade. Actually it’s a mug. Son brought it home last night. A gift from some of his cadet leaders for getting their detachment Covid ready for going back. Last night when he showed us, I said, ooh, that will be a good blip. Now it just seems, well, silly?
Oh, and my positive for today, I think it’s got to be the bike fitting in the car. I’m pleased I don’t have to ask the chap to come and get it. And of course it opens up possibilities for driving somewhere, then having a bike ride...

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