
By ayearinthelife

High Voltage

I needed a small length of flexible, three core cable to give me a bit of “wiggle room” when connecting the new bathroom light to the main lighting circuit.
The smallest length I could buy from the local DIY stores was 5M - which seemed a bit of overkill - and I didn’t fancy humiliating myself in the electrical wholesalers by asking for just a foot of cable!
Then I remembered my “long” extension lead. Long enough that chopping a few inches out of it would have minimal impact on its usability. Out came the wire cutters and the deed was done. Light is now ready to install and I just need to reattach the plug for the extension lead to be restored to full working order.
So far, so good and well within my level of expertise. Wiring the light up to the mains is a whole different kettle of fish however and I feel some professional assistance / guidance may be in order......

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