The Final Cut

At least, I hope it is. The atrocious weather of the past few weeks meant that I just had to watch the lawns getting waterlogged, whilst the grass grew longer. But we’ve had a couple of dry, warm days this week - the last for some time according to the forecast. In all honesty, it was probably still a bit too wet to cut, but I didn’t really have any choice as I’m away all next week.
As it happened, it wasn’t too bad, and the grass was cut without too much fuss. Well, I say “grass” but that has long since ceased to be the dominant green plant in our lawns. Rather than “cutting the grass” it is probably more factually accurate to say “levelling and trimming the weeds” when describing the activities undertaken today. Still, you can’t really tell from a distance and the shorter days mean it’s not on show to the public for as long!
Other than that, it’s been another “Groundhog Day” - get up, put things in the loft, take things off walls, fill holes, go to the gym. Pretty much the same as I’ve done nearly every day this week. And probably what I’ll be doing tomorrow! Everything has to be ready for the decorators by Sunday night, and I reckon I might just make it, though some more filler might need to be purchased, given the size of one of the holes I discovered hiding behind the satellite socket!
It does feel very strange living in a house with nothing on the walls - not even radiators - or anything out on display. With most of the furniture having been sold, it feels pretty empty as well. But from Monday onwards, everything will start to move in a more positive direction. I’m sure we will feel a lot better once all the walls are painted and we no longer have to look at all the bare patches, blobs of filler and assorted squares of test colours that are the current decorative style!
But for now, I shall sit and look out of the window at the freshly mown lawn. And it’s looking pretty good in slowly fading evening light…

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