Time to get organised

Lakeland clearly think it is time to get organised - they obviously don't know me too well.  I did have a bet with a friend a few years ago that we would get Christmas 'done' by the end of November - we did and it made for a wonderful December. 

Full on day at work, reminding why I am leaving - enough said. 

Collected two tired, happy boys, the youngest covered in mud, which I take as a sign of a good day at school. 

Bumped into a former work collegue in the 'green shop' this evening, which was so lovely, we broke social distancing and had a hug, sometimes breaking the rules feels good. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Evening supper with the husband, steak, roast new potatoes followed by cheesecake, it was lovely
Good effort from the eldest with his spelling this evening - we'll see what the spelling test brings tomorrow! 
A smiley face from the eldest's teacher in the homework book, where last night's entry was signed 'Grandpa'. 

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