Diamond Lake and The Baa's Open

The Bossess felt like a Birthday Walk..Please note that the Bossess does NOT stagger. Its just undignified...Right??
Anyway the original plan was to walk to the Mt Aspiring hut in the Matukituki valley but it rained.
Second choose was the Diamond Lake Lakeview track which we did and it also rained. Everything went black as The Boss popped me out of waters way and they clocked up 53 floors  1772 ft  to a great view (on the second extra Pana....)
The Bossess went even higher on a loop trail but The Boss thought that the view seat should be guarded against a possible invasion of something and he did a great job too as something didn't come or sit on it until The Bossess arrived to get the special "dry spot" he had saved for her. 
Oh and its not her Birthday until tomoro so maybe she will do it again then?
Don't you just love lambs at "The Baa"
Tiny (Nicely dry thank you)

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