
A call came from the hospital to say the medic who I was to see this morning for the operation follow-up was shielding as his son had Covid. I was asked if it was necessary for me to see anyone. I explained that as the pain was as bad as before the op, I wanted to see someone to discuss the way forward. So it was agreed I could take the 2 hour round trip to see another doctor.

He said I had to keep moving my toe as there wasn’t a lot of movement. (The surgeon had said the op would not improve movement - that it would relieve the pain only). I was sent for an X-ray. The doctor told me that is showed the operation had been a success and that I was too impatient. Recovery could take 6-12 months. (Not what the surgeon told me). He suggested I wear soft trainers as hard soles would cause more swelling. (Surgeon said I’d been back in high heels in no time).
I explained that as the gyms were closed due to Covid, walking was the only exercise option I had but soft trainers had no support and were not waterproof. I asked if walking in hard soles would impede my recovery and he said to walk as far as I felt able. And he’d arrange to see me in 4 months. Goodbye.

I’m feeling really upset and down about this. It’s not what was promised and not what I call a success if I can’t stand or walk without the same pain as before. It’s bad enough not being able to meet family and friends and all the other restrictions imposed by the virus, as well as having winter approaching, without this blow as well.

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