
What a beautiful day it was today!
Warm and sunny and sparkly....
Just the day to stay indoors doing housework!
It's a neverending task in this house - never finished and never quite forgotten about. So depressing!
So while Mr K took the Little Misses to the library and for a lovely dawdle around town and for a lovely cafe lunch I was stuck at home hoovering, tidying up, trying to sort things out and make a tiny inroad into the chaos!
At one point I was on my knees cutting jelly out of the dining room carpet. I've said it before and I'll say it again: who on earth in their right minds would put 2" pale blue shag pile carpet in the dining room? In the bloody dining room for goodness sake!!!
And what kind of stupid parents who live in a rented house with a four year old and a three year old don't put down some sort of mat on the floor to catch all the coco pops, weetabix, jelly, chocolate mousse, bolognaise sauce, baked beans etc etc?!!
Anyway it all looks no different than it did this morning so I've had enough. I will be spending the evening on the sofa eating chips and dips, olives and nice bread!

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