Margaret & Chris............ and more RANTINGS....

This morning after my walk, Ann settled down to fill in her tax return. She's actually settled down to do her tax return quite a few times over the last couple of weeks but hasn't got very far with it. She has all the info she needs to complete it. She just doesn't understand a lot of the questions?? Anyway, she'd just switched on her laptop when her friend, Margaret, phoned and asked if we wanted to pop round for a coffee. So that was the end of the tax return. Lol!

Margaret's partner, Chris, is one of my favourite people. He doesn't have a dog but guess what he has in his pockets?..................... Dog biscuits. Yum, yum. The humans had coffee and I spent the whole time pestering Chris until I'd eaten all the dog biscuits out of his pockets. Anyway it was so lovely just to be able to pop round to a friends house for a coffee.

We are so dreading going back to Scotland at the weekend. It's going to be like being in prison. We won't be allowed to see anyone in our house and can only meet one household outside. Well Scottish weather in winter is hardly conducive to sitting around having a chat outside is it? That means that the only people we will see are those hardy friends that are prepared to come on a walk with me. But only one at a time. Grrrrrrrrrr....................

Oh and Ann needs to have a bit of a RANT now..........................

She has a friend in Scotland who had a text from the 'test & protect' app to say that he had been in close contact (ie for more than 15 mins) with someone who had tested positive for Covid so he had to self isolate for two weeks. However he didn't get the text until 5 days after the alleged close encounter and also he hadn't even been out that day at all. The self isolation thing started, in theory, on the so called day of contact. Being a law abiding citizen he stayed home alone until the date he was told he could be released. Obviously during the 5 days that it took the 'test & protect' app to contact him he had been out and about all over the place. Anyway, long story short! Turns out the couple who live next door to him had both tested positive and he no doubt was sitting on his sofa in his house and they were probably sitting on their sofa at the other side of the wall. What a joke!!! Apparently the 'test & protect' app says that it's highly unlikely that this will happen??!!!! Highly unlikely; but obviously not impossible?!!

And the other thing; while we're ranting.......................... While we're in England we have the English 'trace & track app' on our phone but the English & Scottish apps do not work together so when we go back to Scotland we will change our location so that the Scottish one works. BUT, what happens, if in the next few days, we come into contact with someone who has tested positive, but it takes them a few days to contact us.............................. they won't be able to because we will have deactivated the English app.

The whole system is just stupid!!! We are 'Great Britain'. Not that there's anything great about us at the moment! We should all be coming together as a nation to fight this pandemic. England, Scotland and Wales should not be working separately. Together we stand, united we fall. Etc, etc, etc. And unless you're watching the daily briefings every day, how on earth is anyone actually even supposed to know what the rules are?????????

OK rant over!!!

And on that note........................ It's cold and windy in St Ives this evening so we're staying in. However over the next three days we will be trying to see as many people as possible (social distancing of course) as we know the next few months are going to be really hard.

PS - Because I'm an active little collie pup, I don't actually care about lock down.  In fact I quite like it because if Ann has nothing to do I know she will take me on big long walks.  Yay!

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