
By ayearinthelife

Danger Zone

I left the “safety” of Tier 1 Kendal this morning and travelled the short distance to the new Tier 2 “high risk” territory of Barrow. It was definitely quieter than last week - the picture of the main street was taken at lunchtime - but there was no air of danger or signs of fear and panic in those people who were about.
Still allowed to meet my friend in Costa so had a good catch up over a coffee. Again, not as many people in there as last week and the ordering system was a bit slicker, presumably in an effort to get us sat down as quickly as possible.
But maybe there is something to them being in a higher Tier. When I called in to the guitar shop to see how my bass was coming along, I was told the lad who is doing it was having to self isolate for fourteen days as he’d been contacted by track and trace. Seems he was chatting to a mutual acquaintance who has now come down with Covid and because it was for longer than fifteen minutes, the alert was triggered. However, they were both wearing masks and outside the shop, so no symptoms yet after seven days. Let’s hope that state of affairs continues and that the other chap makes a speedy recovery.
Given that Cumbria has Scotland to the north, Lancashire to the south and Yorkshire and Newcastle to the east, it seems anywhere I go outside of the county is ranked as more risky. Looks like we won’t be putting many miles on the cars over the next couple of months at least!

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