
By ayearinthelife


It’s not every Sunday, when you’re out for your weekly stroll, that you see a canoe for sale at the top of a hill! The for sale board claimed it was hand built and suitable for lakes and large rivers only. But it also revealed that it has a damaged hull with a “serious repair” required.
Closer examination confirmed that it was indeed serious - a fairly substantial two foot gash in the bottom of the hull would tend to preclude any sort of water borne activity for the time being.
It was beautifully made though and I couldn’t help but wonder what had caused the damage - was it a ride down the rocky rapids or a more prosaic falling off a trailer? I’d like to think it was the former, but looking at the hole would suggest the latter was more likely.
Got to admit I was tempted. Could make an ideal lockdown project over winter and I had visions of paddling on Windermere come spring. And then reality set in - even if I could repair it (and that’s a big if!) I’d then have to store it somewhere and also find a way of transporting it to the lake.
So, with only a couple of backward glances, we carried on into town for our usual Sunday coffee and cake.
If it’s still there next week though.....

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