
By ayearinthelife

It’s a Wrap

The bit they missed off the blurb was “Taste Free”. Mrs C is Gluten and Lactose intolerant so it is a bit of a struggle at times finding things she can eat instead of bread.
Spotted these in a supermarket recently and thought we’d give them a go. Sadly, I was informed that the piece of cardboard in the packet was tastier and more flexible than the actual wraps, so I don’t think we’ll be buying any more any time soon.
Which brings us to the point of today’s blip. I didn’t feel too clever earlier on and, at one stage felt very hot and had a headache. Naturally feared the worse, but a cup of tea later and all was well. But it got me thinking about the dilemma I’m sure I would face if I really was ill or if I was contacted by track and trace and told to isolate. We hear that a considerable number of people in those circumstances will go and do a last food shop before pulling up the drawbridge, and I must confess I would be tempted to do the same - not least because it is important that the food we have in the house is suitable for us both to eat. From what I’ve heard about the various “substitutions” friends have received from local supermarkets, I’m not sure an online order would satisfy our needs. And that’s assuming we could arrange a delivery slot before we ran out of food anyway!
I genuinely don’t know what I’d do. If I was feeling really ill I guess I’d stay in and try and find a solution. If contacted by track and trace I’d be more inclined to risk it, given the vagaries of that system and the fact that I don’t really go anywhere these days where I might be in contact with an infectious person for more than fifteen minutes.
Let’s hope it’s a decision I never need to make.

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