
By ayearinthelife

Mirror in the Bathroom

With five minutes to spare this afternoon, I thought I’d replace the bathroom mirror. After all, I’d bought a direct replacement (same model, same shop) so presumed it was just a matter of undoing two screws, offering up the new mirror, re-tightening the screws and then standing back to admire my handiwork.
Two hours later, and I’ve finally finished. For some unknown reason, IKEA in their wisdom had seen fit to change the spacing of the holes on the mounting plate. Which meant I had to drill new holes in the wall. Then I discovered that the new mirror bit was very loose and would not stay at any sort of angle if you tried to adjust. No amount of tightening made any difference so I was forced to use the old mirror on the new bracket. Which then highlighted another issue in that the old fitting was chrome plated and the new one has more of a nickel / satin finish. So I’ve now got a shiny mirror sitting on a satin mount - but at least I can adjust it to the desired angle and it stays there!
Almost wish I’d never bothered but, as you can see in the reflection, the old mount was very rusty and no amount of polishing would have brought it back so, overall, it’s an improvement.
I think the only positive I can pull out of today is that I actually bought that replacement mirror earlier in the year, before lockdown. IKEA is bad enough at the best of times and I hear the restrictions they now have in place make shopping there even more of a joyless experience. Not a place I’ll be returning to until this pandemic is well and truly over.

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