The Orient Express

By koko

It's a baby

To see the mother was exciting enough but then when i saw the little muntjac baby well that really was exciting. It was so scared and timid and was running very fast to keep up with mum.
Reeves's Muntjac has been introduced to England, with widl deer descended from escapees from Woburn Safari Park. Muntjacs have expanded very rapidly, and are now present in most English countries. The british Deer Society coordinated a survey of wild deer in the UK between 2005 and 2007, and they reported that muntjac deer had noticeably expanded their range since the previous census in 2000. It is anticipated that muntjacs may soon become the most numerous species of deer in England and may also have crossed the border into Scotland.
Just a little thank you for your caring words yesterday, it helped a lot x.

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