#Thingscanonlygetbetter – Take 2

If we thought yesterday was bad.............................. today was 10 times worse. This 'not being able to see anyone apart from outside' is driving my human mad!  Rules are going to be broken soon!!  Managed to get my morning walk completed before it started to rain, but at 2pm when I went for an afternoon play with my ball it was absolutely chucking it down with rain so we both got soaked through to our skin. Obviously non of our friends would want to come out for a walk with us in weather like this. Booohooo. Got home just after 3pm and we had to put all the lights on because it was so dark. It is well and truly winter like in Edinburgh.

…...........And apart from watching TV and sleeping, that is all we've done today!!!

In fact, Ann is going to allow herself a few days to do nothing, but as of the 1st November she is going to be really motivated and make herself a plan of stuff to do everyday and she is going to stick to it. Mmmmmm................ famous last words. She doesn't seem to be motivated to do anything at the moment apart from look after me.

…........And if she can't stick to her plan; then she's threatened me that she will stop helping me BLIP on her 10th Blipday which is sometime at the beginning of December. After all, there's not really much point in Blipping if we never do anything worth Blipping about is there? All we seem to do is moan about how isolated we feel. Actually that's a lie. I never feel isolated because I am a dog and I LOVE having Ann around pretty much 24/7.  Ann is a 'social butterfly' and she really misses her mates.

Anyway it's now almost 5pm and it's pitch dark outside. So the curtains are closed, Ann's onto her second glass of wine yes, that's also going to have to change and she's just about to do something creative with a tub of defrosting tomato & mascarpone pasta sauce can you even freeze that sort of thing chicken breasts, mushrooms, onions & cheese.

…...................And I'm lying in my bed watching, 'The Secret Life of the Zoo'. It's my favourite programme. Yay!!!!


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