The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Only 60 Days Left

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Mary Doll asked me to go into town with her to help get Victor’s Christmas present today.

I mentioned that today is the last day of the school holidays but this fell on deaf ears. Understandable really. It was naive of me not to realise the urgency with a mere 2 months until Christmas.

Shopping with my mother has historically been an emotional mine field. She used to lull me into a false sense of security by telling me that we wouldn’t be long and then 5 hours later, we’d be trailing Princes St for the 4th time to go back and get the first thing she saw! I once hid from her in a shop when I’d had enough. In my twenties!

But this involved technology so my interest was piqued. She has decided to buy him a turntable so we went to speak to a very nice man in John Lewis who gave us lots of helpful advice about what to order.

If it wasn’t the case that Victor doesn’t ever listen to music and is going deaf, it would be a great present!


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