
We decided to head off for a lovely long walk today. The rain was forecast so we went prepared and actually had a great time. The mud is back with a vengeance but we managed to wash Bella off in her favourite stream. I took flasks of coffee and a packet of biscuits and it felt like a proper date. Mr W even managed to not moan.... he reminded me of that when we got home!!

More progress in the office / craft room and it finally feels habitable. The house is still in chaos while Daughter Number 2 is still here as we are bursting at the seams and it didn't help that I had another 10kg bag of toy stuffing arrive..... I only ordered 1!!!!

Daughter Number 2 has now gone to her BF's parents house until Sunday. So the tension between her and Mr W can have a bit of a break.

Daughter Number 1 had another severe migraine last night. 2nd in a week. Sadly she can't take her usual cocktail of drugs but is hoping once she's past 12 weeks she will feel better and they will lessen.

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