The Poop Monster!

Daughter Number 2 asked for some help with her little man today. Shes finding she can't put him down and he doesn't sleep very much. She wanted to get some housework done.

It turned out Daughter Number 1 was also about as she'd returned to her usual hairdresser for the day.

Baby J treated me to not just 1 - but FOUR pooey nappies!!!!! Hes a little sweetie and is smiling loads now but I have a feeling he has reflux. Hes a fretful feeder, breathes like hes uncomfortable, will only settle on your chest and is sick alot. Not just fresh milk but curdled, sick smelling sick. Sorry if thats TMI!! DN2 will make a GP appointment in the morning as he may need a bit of gaviscon to help settle his acid tummy.

Daughter Number 1 then came back to mine for dinner but we got stuck in terrible traffic so she ended up staying the night. Fine by me as I got even more baby cuddles!!!

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