Shepherds’ warning

Linda arrived to come out for a walk just as the rain started. We went through the woods and along the moor. We were soaked by the time we got back but it was good to see her. I was just sorry I could not hug her when she burst into tears about feeling she’s always been responsible for people - as a lot of us are or have been. First children then elderly parents. Her mum is 95 and lives across the road, but keeps having heart attacks. The medics come then she has to hang about in hospital waiting to be seen. Linda isn’t going to call them anymore as they can’t do anything. It’s all so sad.

I don’t know how we can be good friends in these times apart from suggesting meeting up outdoors and going for a walk.

Our councillor says the NE is on the brink of being put into Tier 3. On the brink here means maybe in 2 weeks. This despite our numbers going down and and the south of England with the R number at 2 with no talk of them moving out of tier 1.

And now the Labour Party has a media feeding frenzy to take the heat off everything else.

10,500 steps, 6 km

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