New crochet project

I needed a new challenge for the grey November days so got this crochet blanket to keep me busy. There are a couple of tricky new stitches to get to grips with.

It’s a showery, blustery day. Apparently it rained a lot here when we were away yet not much further south and east we saw none of it. They have had bad flooding in Cumbria, Galloway and the Borders, with people having to be evacuated from their homes in Hawick.

I had an hour of strong physio on my shoulder - when it got too sore to get my arm in my coat sleeve I decided I’d better do something about it. He’s going to send me some exercises to do but thinks they, along with the work he did today, should be enough.

I fell asleep listening to Lucy Mangen talking about books which is no doubt the reason I dreamed I went into a big bookshop. However it only had a few books on display as I entered so I continued on into room after room, none of which had any books. Instead they were piled high with pink plastic toys. I then went on a search to find an assistant or manager I could complain to - by now I was wanting to complain about the pink toys and not the lack of books in a bookshop! - but I could find nobody who’d take any responsibility for any of it.

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