Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Another Day Passes

It feels as if it has been a very long day. We learned a couple of new songs from our guest tutor this morning. She has a great name for a folk singer - Hannah Rarity - and she's very good.

After lunch I planted about 60 tulip bulbs, and there are as many again to go in ... I may have got a bit carried away by the thought of spring colour when I was ordering them.

I gave up on that when my knees began to feel the chill, and spent a while going through the old pictures my cousin has been sending me, writing on the back who the subjects are. There are a few I don't recognise, I will have to ask him to tell me who they are.

Maybe looking at all those faded images started me thinking about pictures from the past. I had no blip, so I decided to have a play with a shot  of an old mill I took in the summer, and the text of a poem by Thomas Hardy which paints a vivid image of a childhood scene. I had a good old mess about with it all in Snapseed. I would really like to have another go at it, but it's time to look at the news and see if we're any nearer a result .... 

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