Lali's World

By Lali

The "MADNESS" hamsters

so... who were they?

Of course, the "MADNESS" hamsters! I believe they steal my brain bit by bit and feed it to their MUM, because my memory is just getting worse and worse! Anyway..

Small surprises in life!

Last night I had a great time. We were in a pub where a band was playing live music and it was really good, but a bit too loud if you wanted to have a conversation.. but I had maybe a bit too much to drink, so today I was feeling a bit tired.

This morning, when I was walking up to work, I came across this abandoned bag. So, what did I do? Of course, go and take a picture of it for my "lost property" album. But just as I was about to take the picture of it, a man approached me telling me very angrily that that was his bag. He didn't look impressed at all that I was taking a picture of it. I made an attempt to explain but I gave up immediately afterwards because I thought it would be pointless, so I just said sorry and walked away. He must have been wondering why I wanted to take a picture of his bag.. :)

I had a long day at work, but it felt even longer because I was so tired. Glad it's over now. I'll try and go early to bed and have some good sleep tonight!

Thanks very much for all your comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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