Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

A new dawn

Looking back in my journal, it has been some time since I last posted on this site - my birthday last year in October to be precise......

I was hoping to reach 100 blips by the end of 2012 but alas that did not the journey in "Blip World" continues in 2013.

I have this love/hate relationship with photography - I love it when I finally get outside and can spend may hours trying to capture an image that I think looks good.....whilst at the same time, I can get extremely annoyed that another day passes and no shot was taken - unfortunately I cannot just take a shot for the sake of it - there has to be some meaning for me....

So back to the snowdrop field in the Dalmeny estate. The weather was great, and even though I had a number of bits and pieces to do today, I was determined to get out with my camera - and I really enjoyed it.

The estate was very peaceful - overhead I could hear the distinctive sounds of buzzards but on the ground..nothing. It was great

Sometimes we just have to get away from all the "hussel and bussel" of daily life and take time to re-charge the batteries - today I started that process again.....I hope you like the shot.

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