As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

The Legs On My Hair!

Pure, unfiltered art. My graphic art project is finally complete!

School was pretty pointless today. A ton of kids were missing, and we didn't do much in most classes. Thanks to Music Mondays in Italian, the sound of Pavarotti singing can bring me to tears, and they are certainly not caused by the beauty of his voice. I didn't do well on my last physics test, and this week I'll be missing a whole new unit, so third quarter just isn't going to be good for me in general. I spent my day memorizing the presidents for APUSH, and when that was done, my day was pretty much complete. After school I worked on rube before running with Richard, Brent, Vasu, Rocket, and Max. We did about 4 and a half and it was great running with a team again. After that I came home and chilled. I said goodbye to Nick and Kenny tonight before and after picking my dad up from the train. I leave at 3:30 am tomorrow.

So this is my last blip for a few days. I'll be writing down my Minnesotan adventures and taking tons of pictures, but they won't be up probably until Sunday. See you in a few days!

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