
By ayearinthelife

Lucky Man

Today is Friday the Thirteenth, traditionally a day for bad luck and disasters. I suppose that by most standards, being forced to stay at home in the middle of a global pandemic, with rising cases all around, could be viewed as being a tad unlucky, however I don’t see it that way.
I consider myself lucky. Maybe not right here, right now but, compared to a year ago, I have a lot to be thankful for. We have a working gas fire - last year we just had a hole in the wall covered with a bit of plasterboard - and the central heating system no longer has a leak. So I can be certain of waking up to a warm house every morning this winter and being able to keep it that way throughout the day.
And far from becoming ill with Covid my health has actually improved as a direct result of the restrictions imposed on us earlier this year. From being barely able to run to the end of our road, I can now run 10K with relative ease. And I have been officially told that my Type 2 Diabetes is heading into remission - a combination of increased exercise and more sensible eating this year.
I don’t have to worry about my job, because I’ve retired! And I’m very lucky that I was in a position to be able to choose that option when the time came.
Is it all down to my “lucky” furry dice? Maybe not. But I’m not going to tempt fate by getting rid of them any time soon.

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