
By ayearinthelife

Needles and Pins

Flu jab day today. Very slick operation - I’d been quoted a very precise appointment time of 12.39 and turned up a few minutes early as I’d been told not to be late (but not too early either!). Obviously masks had to be worn.
All doors were open so nothing to push or pull and a member of staff was checking us in on the touch screen. Sat in waiting area - socially distanced of course - until called.
As far as I could tell there were at least half a dozen doctors and nurses doing the injections at the same time and a one way system was in operation so you just left by the (open!) back door once you’d been jabbed.
From being called, to leaving after the vaccination was probably no more than a minute or so. In fact, the clock in the car was showing 12.39 when I got back in, so it looks like they might have been slightly ahead of schedule.
I did have a chance to chat to the doctor briefly and asked him if this was all useful practice for what might be happening at the beginning of next year. “Oh yes” was the reply. If they can maintain the level of efficiency I saw today then Covid vaccinations in Kendal could all be administered very quickly! In the meantime, I’ll hopefully not have to worry about catching flu, though I’m not sure how I would catch it, given all the Covid precautions we have to follow!
Wouldn’t it be nice if some of those Coronavirus deaths could be offset by a reduction in seasonal flu deaths?

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