
By Mindseye

Walking & waiting

Awake very early........way before the 6.15 alarm! Up and out by 7.......then once hub was settled I went for a walk as I wasnt allowed to wait with him.

Luckily for me there is a park opposite so I took myself off for an hour or so. Once it was properly light the sun rose in a blue sky, which highlighted all those lovely autumnal shades as I wended my way....lots of glistening leaves from the earlier rain too! It felt nice to explore somewhere new.

I opted for this view of the path ahead of me as my main blip to show the array of colour, but have added two more in extras too.

Hub rang almost two hours later, to say he was done......we headed home, parked the car, then walked to the paper shop, got something for lunch too, then back home for a much needed cuppa with some breakast.

Its been a lovely day, not too chilly, but we spent the rest of the day pottering indoors, I even wrote a few "x" cards sshhh!

Been watching the Masters too, amongst other things.

After a more substantial lunch, its been a bowl of soup and cheese on toast for dinner.

More tv tonight no doubt......probably golf ;-)

Hope you all have a good weekend, stay safe and thank you for all your good wishes.

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