Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Friday — Car Bubble Bath times 2

I know I am hitting rock bottom when I post photos of going to the car wash with Mr. Fun. Getting both cars washed, though, was on my “to do” list.

The first photo in the collage shows both our cars in the lead position in line — his white Honda CRV and my champagne color Ford Escape. When we arrived at the car wash and the line was long, Mr. Fun grumbled, “This will take an hour!” So when he wasn’t looking, I started the stopwatch on my phone.

After telling the car wash man what type of wash we wanted, we walked thru the building to pay. The long corridor to the cashier has glass walls so customers can watch their cars going thru the “Bubble Bath.” The wall on the other side is lined with greeting cards to buy. We bought a cute card for our oldest great-granddaughter, Jade. Her 5th birthday is Monday and it was a must to put her card in the mail today so that it arrives in San Diego on time.

Mr. Fun paid our bill — ouch! Do you know what a full car wash costs? Every now and then we just have to have a “real” car wash so the inside gets cleaned. Running the cars thru the gas station car wash is great for the outside.

We sat at a table outside while waiting for our cars and addressed Jade’s birthday card. When our cars were ready, I checked my stopwatch— 34 minutes. I politely showed it to Mr. Fun. I think he really was impressed.

After the car wash adventure, I headed to the grocery store because turkeys are on sale and I want to purchase one and put it in our freezer. We’ll be going to our granddaughter Ashly’s house for the holiday meals, so I’ll cook our turkey either after Thanksgiving or before Christmas and then have all the extra meat to make soup and pot pie. If I can find a friend with freezer space then I’ll get another turkey so I can cook one in late winter. So the one I bought today is 25 pounds and 49 cents a pound. I think that’s a pretty good price.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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