
By Mindseye

Jay walking #4

We didnt sleep very well last night......I woke up too warm, its still very mild for the time of year, subsequently we didnt get up early . Fruit breakfast for me, hib had toasted fruit scones.

The weather has been pretty rubbish overall, one or two dryish spells, but its pouring again now.

I nipped out to get the papers, cut through the wooded area and heard what I thought was a crow, a blue flash told me otherwise. Managed to spot him.....not the best shot but it will have to do.

Lunch was a sausage sandwich for hub, I had an omlette with a couple of sausages.

We have managed to put back up the old roller blind in the lounge, we didnt plan to, with he new shutters on order, but with the dark nights it seemed the best option rather than closing the heavy full length curtains which block the heat from the main radiator.

We have spent most of the afternoon catching up on programmes we have downloaded.

Not a lot else to report, a quiet relaxing day really.......probably another light tea, soup and a sandwich we think.

Another new week......who knows what it holds. Stay safe all

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