About to turn

By jMcLean

Jumpstart on Spring

A tangle of forsythia with a few yellow blossoms. My phone and laptop don't seem to be speaking (they get in these tiffs), so I'm having difficulty editing and uploading. Anyway, it was a wonderful warm and sunny day. In the late afternoon I thought I'd take Uncle Jay's old Porsche for a spin. We had it looked at and tinkered with a bit ago and though W's driven it since, I hadn't. My knees are still shaking! The brakes wanted to act as if they were manufactured in 1977 (which they were) and asked for a few yards extra notice. Tricky to oblige in town.

I spent a calming hour weeding and pruning back one of the garden's "out of sight, out of mind" sides. On my second trip back to the woods with a teetering wheelbarrow load, I spotted the blooming forsythia. Also heard a pack of coyotes and a very shivery barred owl call.

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