Muckle Horse

A fairly calm day, mostly cloudy, with some bright spells.  Starting raining this evening, doesn't look like it's going to stop.

Another day working in the museum, and a fairly quiet day, but a few around.  There was some tourists about, from the Highlands.  A lazy evening at home, but Sammy needed out for walkies.  He wanted to go further, as he met a potential new girlfriend, and was upset when we turned around.  Feet back up by the fire now. 

A fine brisk walk at lunchtime, and fine not to be blasted by wind and rain.  Us humans may think we've had it bad, nothing compared to the wildlife and the farm animals that stay outside in all weathers, such as this big horse.  He's a right beautiful boy, but wasn't interested in talking.  This is the kind of horse I'd like.  Taken at North Fladdabister.  

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