
By ayearinthelife

Nutbush City Limits

Time for the annual cutting back of the Hypericum Hidcote. When it gets to the stage where I see people having to move to the edge of the pavement to get past, it means it’s spread out too far. It’s also the bush on which some of the outdoor lights will be hung so I needed to make it smaller in order to give me a fighting chance of getting them to go all the way round. But - in spite of much pleading from Mrs C - those lights will NOT be going up until the month starts with a “D”.
No trip out to the Lakes today, but had to pop to Asda for some bits and bobs. My God it was busy!! Couldn’t work out why there were so many families and groups of teenagers in there until Mrs C pointed out that it was the only “shop” open at the moment, so was the logical place to head to for those bored with being locked down! Must be quite galling to see all those people about if you’re someone who’s business is currently not able to open. I suspect the shops in town could be pretty busy next weekend when the festive shopping frenzy can finally get under way. But having witnessed the crowds this afternoon, I’m beginning to understand why just about everywhere in the country will be going into the top Tiers next Thursday. This second wave is nowhere near over, it is merely slowing down. It’s going to be all too easy for it to flare up again if there aren’t at least some restrictions in place.

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