Stuck in da Laft

A fairly calm day, and mostly sunny all day.  

A lazy start to my weekend off, and lounged about the house.  Niece Elise has been over for the day.  We met up with friend Julie in the afternoon, and headed out walkies with the dogs.  Mam and dad came over for tea tonight, fish and chips.  After tea, I rushed down to work in the shop.  It's been a busy night of customers.  Feet up now. 

As me and Elise had a lazy afternoon watching movies, I got a random phone call from Julie.  The phone call was a panic, she needed help, as she was stuck in her loft, getting the Christmas decorations down.  Her dog Keba had knocked into the step ladder, thus leading to the said panic.  As me and Elise arrived, we couldn't help but giggle, and take a photo before we helped her down.  Good job the Scalloway Fire Festival has been cancelled next year, as it may have been in an act, but may still make the local comical bill.  Julie stuck in her loft, Meadowfield Crescent, Scalloway.  

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