Munch Lunch

It's been really windy and cold today, with sunny spells and showers.  Clearer tonight, and less wind.

I managed to get washing out on the line, before walkies this morning, and then headed off to work in the museum.  We had various folk coming in to see my exhibition today.  The main job of the day was to get the Christmas tree and decorations up, with a helping hand from Linda N.  Been down to sister Laura's for tea again today.  More walkies this evening, and now feet up by the fire. 

I nipped down the road at lunchtime, and managed a brisk walk.   As I was heading back to the car, this ewe was following me along the fence.  She seemed friendly, and then became my best friend when I gave her some grass that was beyond her reach.  She munched up her lunch happily, whilst making sure she kept an eye on me.  She even liked to have her nose scratched, so she must have been a caddy lamb in her day.  Taken at Greenmow, Cunningsburgh.  

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