Brian's Shed

A lovely calm day, with a dry morning.  By lunchtime, the showers started.  Drier again tonight. 

Another day working in the museum, and another fairly quiet day.  I have been busy setting up a photo archive exhibition in the café.   A quiet evening at home, and then met up with friend Julie for a walk with the dogs.  Might try a pint later in the pub. We had another two coronavirus cases earlier this week, and again it's from folk travelling back to Shetland. 

Just typical, the showers started when I headed out for lunch, so my walk wasn't far today.  It's been a while since I visited Brian o Greenfield's (Smith) shed.  This old shed was an abandoned mess, until Brian tidied it up, and then the assortment of goods started arriving.  There seems to be more added since my last visit here, including the homemade village on the table.  Taken at the South Peat Hill, Cunningsburgh.  

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