
at Lowther

It never seemed to get light today.
I watched the David Olusoga talk at Hay this morning, trimmed my hair, cut back and tidied at the front of the house, caught up with my sister on all the paperwork headaches and then jumped on my bike to Lowther to check out the old castlesteads which I thought might be clear of summer foliage.
It’s thought it could be the remains of an early timber castle (referred to as castellum de Lauudre in 1174) and/or an old medieval Pele tower. Although you’d never know it was there now it’s in a commanding position above the river Lowther.
Very atmospheric on a misty day, especially as a deer bounded out and away over the embankment as I emerged out of the undergrowth.
Good to have a catch up with Kate this evening.

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