Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Views of shopping

Eco daughter played for the u13s today as they had some away with the Easter hol, she did well playing the bigger girls most 2 years olders, the team lost out by one goal.

Back home to the Eco son, his bike was not quite right so he took it back to get it looked at, they were really busy. In the meantime I dragged him to the allotment to try and get some tatties in, the boy spent most of his time looking for wood around the plot so he could build a ramp for his mountain bike. Got some tatties in the pots but the rain came through.

Managed to get the bike fixed.

After tea, I nipped out to get some growbags and plant labels as it was a discount weekend at a retailers. This was the backdrop.

Got home and Eco son and myself built his ramp, in the dark of the street he tried it out. No doubt tomorrow he will be jumping all day.

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