
By Groggster

Old Tech

I must admit I'm a bit of a luddite when it comes to technology. I don't like it and it doesn't like me! I think part of the problem is that we were the last generation to attend school without computers or much technology - in my last year at secondary school we only had one computer in the whole school and it was kept in a locked cupboard! It was only allowed to be used on very rare occasions.
This image represents just some of the old tech I have at home - you could also add a DVD player, a record player and a VHS recorder. Go 1980's!
I have never had a smart phone and the mobile phone at the centre of this image is actually my current phone. It cost all of £7.99! I know if I bought a smart phone (and learned how to use it - this is not a given by the way) I would probably become addicted. I already have a fairly strong blip addiction.

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