Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

To infinity and beyond

To London on the ten o’clock train. A man staggered on clutching a large bottle of Asahi then fell  asleep in the chairs opposite us. I think he may have been working a night shift. He didn’t look happy. 

Yayoi Kukama at the Tate Modern. “Infinity Mirrors”. Really chimed with me. Only yesterday I was thinking that the most important thing you can do with the cosmos is to surrender yourself to it rather than trying to understand and define it. I have these kind of thought processes all the time, I think I should have been an artist. But Kukama isn’t so much an artist as a life lived through art, oscillating for the last forty years between her studio and the psychiatric hospital she lives in. Which must be very odd for her and for the people who work there. 

“Become one with eternity. Become part of your environment. Take off your clothes. Forget yourself. Make love. Self-destruction is the only way to peace."

That’s her speaking not me, but I share her sentiments.

We had a picnic sitting in one of the Blavatnik building’s big windows, which was jolly. Marks and Spencer no egg sandwich and a packet of crisps. I have decided the only way to eat a sandwich is with crisps. They complete each other. Then we went to watch the giant jellyfish in the turbine hall, which are amazing. They float around and look so real, powered by little rotors.

We also walked down to Borough Market where we found a new vegan restaurant, only been open a month. Going to try it next weekend.


And in Pret at Blackfriars I saw these guys in the window eating in a row looking like a modern version of the last supper. Really weird. Actually very weird.

London was overcast, moody, drizzly, semi deserted, Christmassy in parts. Rather lovely actually. One of the reasons I am a townie. The idea of being in the countryside in winter is beyond grim. 

Had an hour in The Scooter Cafe. Love that place. They play great music and serve really good coffee.

 The sunset coming home on the train was something in its own right: a strip of gold on an otherwise grey horizon, the winding railway tracks shining like snakes as they twisted towards vanishing point. Life imitates art.


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