
By Sunseeker

Impressionistic water at Aghio Dimitrios

The wind has almost stopped, the temperature gone up a bit so a few of us hardy 'winter swimmers' managed another swim.  It was lovely and calm, a delight, though chilly.. 
We were just about dry and more or less dressed when a police car stopped at the back of the beach and they came to check what we were doing. A very rare occurrence here as there are no police based around here at all, not for miles. I suppose they thought we were having an illegal 'gathering', and we thought we might get fined as we'd not had a chance to put our masks back on, but when we explained we'd been swimming (which is a permitted activity) they were quite impressed and really friendly. They did check our 'permission to leave the house' papers, which were all in order, fortunately.
To warm up after the swim I went for a brisk walk round the bay to the little harbour at Aghio Dimitrios, and back, where I was taken by these reflections of the sky in the  ripples of the water.

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