Tuesday: Lights Out

I was back at my desk today after our lovely weekend away.  There’s always a bit of a price to pay after a few days away, in terms of things that stack up, but it was entirely worth it.  

I had a good catch up with my colleague in Calgary today, offloading about a few things - just some work frustrations about colleagues who seem to think our capacity to take on more work is endless.  It’s stuff that needs doing but everyone in the team says they’re too busy so the buck always stops with us.  It’s actually quite therapeutic being able to share with each other.

We put up our tree today but still need to hang it with baubles, decorations etc.  Since last year, a few of the lights on it have failed so half the tree is lit and the other half is dark.....it looks a bit sad so we’ll have to pick up some more lights to drape over it.

And we also put some lights in the outside plant pot in the hopes of it being a bit festive.

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