RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Custom Painting

My wife's art projects are getting more involved, she is now commissioning other artists in town to create pieces for inclusion in her creations. She was looking to create a hanging evocative of Mexico and was bemoaning the fact she had few bright colored (our perception of Mexico) components left. I suggested she visit the local purveyor of painted bowls and plates to see what was available. Of course, he had nothing in stock, but had blanks which he would paint with any design she chose. I wanted to get a good portrait of him and wanted to show him surrounded by his wares. I moved all over his cramped shop, framing him with a variety of his products while he negotiated prices for the custom work with my wife. This one turned out to be the best combination of facial expression and surrounding wares. I might even get a print made for him.

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