Tim and Rob

Today's the day …………………….. for time to fly

I was going to do all sorts today.

It was a perfect day to do things indoors because the weather was so awful outside.  I had a whole list of stuff I could have done.  The trouble was that Will had a list too - and right at the top of it was 'sort out a box of old family photographs'.  They were photographs that belonged to his Mum and Dad and were in the same box when the house was being sorted out after they had both died.  That's a long time ago now.

So every time I went in the room he was in, Will had another gem to show me - and that set me off looking at more pictures.  It's fair to say that I haven't achieved many ticks on my list - but I've had a real trip down Memory Lane.  This one of Tim and Rob (wearing Clothkits shirts I think Jane!) was irresistible - and is still making me smile now. 

Here we are, all those years later, and they both have children of their own, of the age they were in this picture.  Doesn't time fly ……………………..?

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