By lizzie_birkett

Family Photo and Jigsaw Night

We started a jigsaw puzzle last night whilst listening/watching the lovely St Lucia Ceremony in Sweden on the iPad. It was from a link that Jan's View - HarlingDarling shared on her Blip (13th Dec).
It was so beautiful and the children's singing was delightful.
It all reminded me of the various processions we took part in in Germany when my kids were small. All very traditional and magical.

My tooth has improved a bit and is less painful than a couple of days ago. I am wondering whether there was an underlying infection and maybe that's why I had a raised temperature as I was fighting it off. If it continues to improve I'll postpone my Friday appointment and see how it goes.

I got a large card envelope delivered today from my cousin Mary. Inside was a photo of her wedding when my sister Sue and I were bridesmaids. She had shown us the photo after Tony's funeral a year ago and promised she'd get copies for us. It must have been in about 1961. Looking straight at the photo I am 2nd right from Mary - the bride - and Sue is 2nd left from Mary with our little blonde brother Anthony next to her. My mum made our dresses, white with peach cummerbunds and the headdresses were peach velvet roses. My Mum is behind little Anthony and my Dad is 3rd from the left of the photo standing with his siblings - uncle Gerard, aunty Flo and auntie May and my maternal Granddad (far left).My paternal Granddad is at the front right wearing an overcoat and with a fag in his hand.
Apparently the lady on the far right in a leopard coat was the local bag lady who just photobombed the occasion!

My covid test just arrived - that was quick! I ordered it yesterday afternoon and it came in an Amazon package by courier. All done and sent off. At least I'll know so I can tell the dentist about my temp.

We cut each other's hair today so we're good for Christmas!
Frank only nicked my neck a little bit...but he missed the jugular!

It's been a lovely sunny day and I'm going outside to repot a couple of houseplants which are not looking too happy or healthy!

More tomorrow :-) X

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