By lizzie_birkett

Skipton Castle Woods

Frank was awake jus after 5am so therefore I was awake too! I made us coffee and we read in bed then I got up about 6ish while he ended up going back to sleep. I felt strangely wide awake, not like me lately.
We had to go into Skipton as I had an order to collect but it wasn’t ready until 12 so we took Bella to Skipton Castle Woods. She loves it there as there is always the possibilty of squirrels! The bottom right photo is where she is refusing to walk as she knows we are heading back to the car and doesn’t want to go home. She knows exactly where we are going.

Once home we had lunch and I wrote labels for all the presents and stuck them on. They’re all in cardboard cartons ready for Frank to bring up next week.
I had a short nap on the sofa then we had coffee and Stollen then I practised ukulele and sorted out my song folders into songs I can do quite competently and songs that need some work.

The news over the last week or so has been very upsetting re child abuse and other nasty things so I have allowed myself to think about it all intensely and get angry at the perpetrators for a short period of time then put it away and get on with things. Dwelling on such things can suck the joy out of me and that’s not a good way to live life. 

Tomorrow morning we have an ex neighbour Amy and her wee 2 year old girl Evelyn coming for a cuppa. That will fill me with joy. Unfortunately Jim can’t come as he is working. They moved to a house near the station. Evelyn is the cutest little girl I can’t wait to see her. We haven’t been in each other’s houses since the pandemic. I know she is careful as she has an elderly Dad who she spends a lot of time with.

Book and bedtime now.
Stay safe everyone. ;-)X

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